This system has been designed to enable individual staff or Supervisor’s submit completed Annual appraisal tools for FY 2024.
1. Click on “Annual appraisal” to start the appraisal process and follow prompts.
2. Supervisor’s and/or staff can view and download editable KPI tools for Self and/or Staff under Supervision.
Only staff who completed and uploaded KPI tools in the system will be able to access their KPI tools.
3. Click on Editable KPI tool to download the KPI tool and share with Staff for their completion offline.
4. Supervisors should ensure that appraisal tools have been duly completed and signed off before uploading on the system.
5. Click on the PLUS (+) against the name of the staff whose tool you want to upload and proceed to upload the following two documents for each staff;
(i) Editable appraisal tool.
(ii) Signed appraisal tool in PDF format.
6. Click Submit to complete the process.
For any enquiries and/or support:
Contact your HRBP or any HR staff